A Dream that Keeps Whispering at Your Soul

Our journey of living 6 months bi-continental ✈️

6 months ago we gave away all of our things, left LA, and started the adventure of a lifetime..

Since Alain and I met we had a vision of living in multiple places. We talked about this dream frequently, envisioning what it would be like to spend more time with family, raising our kids in multiple cities, running my coaching business from anywhere in the world. The vision was so clear and exciting!!

At the beginning of 2020 we visited Vienna together for the first time and I fell in love. We both looked at each other and said “this is the year!” We started making plans for next steps!

A few months later the pandemic hit..

The dream of traveling, exploring the world completely disappeared.

Then Summer of 2021 I was on a call with my Coach and we were talking about what I want to create in the future if anything was possible. I briefly shared our dream of someday going to Europe, but said that is still far away.

What she said to me next changed everything.. “What if right now is the perfect time?”

I was stunned. Every excuse, reason, and justification of why right now wasn’t the right time came up, BUT there was a part of me that was like… “but what if it is…!?”

She started asking me questions of what my dream was. I started sharing and I could feel the excitement in me building. All of sudden this far away dream felt so close.

From this moment on I saw everything differently. I saw a choice I hadn’t seen before. I saw possibilities I had not seen before. I was committed.

This is the power of coaching.

8 months later we were on our way to Vienna (this journey will deserve its own post).

I would not have gone for it without the incredible coaches, mentors, and community of women encouraging me every step of the way.

There is a reason we don’t go after our dreams. It is scary as hell! There is a lot of resistance. Things go differently than planned. There were many moments I looked at Alain and said “What are we doing?! Leaving our safe comfortable bubble?! Getting rid of all our things?”

We now look at each other and say “Thank God we went for it!”

So my question is… What is a dream that keeps whispering at your soul?

And “What if right now is the perfect time to go for it?”

Morgan NorthwayComment