One Big Experiment

While being in Europe it has become very clear there is a steep learning curve…

New language, living in new places each week, changed culture, different metric system, new currency, new streets, SO MUCH new.

It’s easy to get frustrated and beat myself up for not understanding, getting lost, overpaying or just being confused.

A whisper that continues to be present “You’ve never been here before. Of course you don’t know it all!”

I then take a deep breath and remember “Morgan, it’s all an experiment.” I feel a weight is taken off, get up, dust off my beret, and try again.

This is a huge part of what I work with women on. Getting out of their comfort zones and creating lives beyond their wildest dreams. What that means is doing a lot of new things for the first time!!

When we look at each day as an experiment it takes the pressure off of having to have it all figured out. Having to do it perfectly.

When things go a little differently than planned we can be a little more gentle on ourselves because we are running an experiment. It can actually bring some play into the process.

Once the women I work with really get this, it’s amazing to see how it shifts their courage to go after what they want;

- Host the workshop
- Have the vulnerable conversation with their Partner around the future
- Quit the job
- Start the side hustle
- Move to a new city
- Ask for more support in motherhood
- Ask for the raise
- Reach out to the dream client

What in your life would you go after? Create? Or try? If you looked at it from the perspective of running one big experiment?

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