Deep Feelings of Loneliness

Many women have recently shared with me about a deep feeling of loneliness.

Whether it is in motherhood, marriage, entrepreneurship, working in corporate, or coming out of the pandemic. When we are left on our own the voice can get really loud “everyone else has it figured out. I’m the only one. There must be something wrong with me.”

I create groups because I am passionate about gathering women together to remember we are not alone. So often what we are going through is so similar to many other women.

We had our bonus call this week for The Dream Collective and the women shared at the end about feeling lighter, more at peace and more connected. They got to open up and were met with love, acceptance and approval.

No one was there to fix each other. Just holding space for each other.

Life is messy. It can feel like a lot at times. We are not meant to navigate these things on our own.

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