Who Would You Become on the Other Side?

1 week offline in the Austrian mountains...

This was the longest trip my husband and I had been on just the two of us, and it was the longest time I had been unplugged from my business. We had dreamed of traveling like this since we met, so it felt surreal it was finally happening.

As we were getting closer to leaving, the resistance started to come up. “Maybe this isn’t the right time to go. I am in the middle of launching a group!” “Maybe we should just go this Summer” “I need to be focused on my business. I can’t unplug - what if it all falls apart?”

I could feel how uncomfortable and inconvenient this trip started to feel.

Most of my life I've identified with my work, with being an achiever, and having a successful professional life. Anytime anything would challenge that identity, I would feel so much discomfort and fear.

Thankfully I have incredible support around me. My coach and community reminded me what is possible and where there is a growth opportunity for me.

Being on the other side of this trip, I am so so grateful I pushed through the resistance. I feel like a different woman. Yes, the time unplugged was so needed (I will share more about the insights that came from that later), but really what I am feeling is a new found freedom.

I got to let go of some old beliefs and patterns that were no longer serving me. I was presented new evidence that the world doesn’t end if I am not “doing” or “managing”.

So many women have shared with me, when we are talking about going after what they want; “It’s not the right time. I’ll do it next year. It can wait. What if it doesn’t work? What about the money?”

The moment they say they want something, there is a part of them that tells them why they can’t. That part is what is being called to change and let go.

The question that is on my heart right now is; what do you need to let go of to go after what you want? Who would you become on the other side?

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